Last week we had the discussion about large operators in Theme Park Industry, and I realised that there is no company actually started their business with theme park at the first place. For example, Disney World is owned by The Walt Disney Company which began as a Cartoon Studio. Or a more obvious instance, E-DA Theme Park, known as Taiwan's EPCOT, belongs to E United Group which started from the establishment of Yieh Hsing Enterprise with steel business in 1978. Some other companies just bought the concept from the successful Theme Park owners through some kinds of agreement and with government collaboration. I think this sort of business is very safe as well as efficient due to the fact that you have money and resources, but lack of concepts for new investment plan, franchising Disney World in your own country is a fine choice.
Come back to my Theme Park project, I own a concept, but don't have the finacial ability to make it become a reality. But I still have several choices. My first plan would be presenting my project to banks' representatives to apeal for loans and potetial investors. If this ways didn't go well because of the big risk constructing a space Theme Park, I would change to plan B which is finding a job, collecting experience, saving money until I am able to set up my own business. Then I wait until I have enough money to establish the Theme Park that I planed before. This sounds very long-term and struggling to me. But the road to success is paved with failures, so I think I just have to move forward no matter how slow I am, just take it step by step.
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